Does attitude matter? Can you have a bad attitude and be a great leader? If you have a great attitude does it make you a great leader? Can you name anyone with a bad attitude that is/was a great leader? Which is easier to follow... someone with a good attitude or a bad one?
I would say for the most part I am a very positive guy with a very easy going attitude. I normally don't get too worked up about anything and typically maintain a level head... But I recently read a chapter in a book about leadership that I didn't care for.
But before I share that let me share with you some of the things it had to say...
* A leader's attitude is caught by his or her followers more quickly than his or her actions.
* God chooses what we go through. We choose how we go through it.
* The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjust the sails.
These three simple statements simply state the importance of our attitudes, but it should also tell what kind of attitudes we have... What does your attitude reflect when we find yourself in a high stress situation? What attitudes are your followers catching? Do you find yourself complaining? Just expecting something to change for the better? Or do you find yourself making the changes needed to adjust for the wind?
I enjoyed the chapter I was reading (Developing the Leader Within You by John C. Maxwell) until I read this; "The greatest day in your life and mind is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up."
See I like all the "tricks and techniques" but when it is all my responsibility then that becomes a bit uncomfortable... It is so much easier to justify my behavior and attitude than it is to own them. I'm not sure I like the idea that I can change my attitude no matter what is going on around me. I don't like that idea that no matter what someone has done I can change my perspective and change my attitude...
What about you? How is your attitude?
Do you believe you can change it?
Is there situations that you find yourself having a bad attitude? What can you do to change that?
Are you ready to take total responsibility for your attitude?
I'd love to hear your thoughts...
- Rainey
I enjoy your topic regarding attitude.
ReplyDeleteI would describe myself as easy-going, calm, positive, and upbeat and I can be outgoing.
I haven't always this way, mind you. Before I met my husband I was uptight and on a roller-coaster ride. I could be mad and grumpy and it would carry over for days. I would be worked up over things and make myself miserably sick.
I remember asking Nick one day, how is it that no matter what is going on in your life, you always are in a positive and happy mood? Sometimes it made me angry that he could be this way; how and why did he do it? He explained that yesterday is the past and every new day brings change. There is no reason for me to live in the past even if it was only five minutes ago. I choose to have a great attitude every moment and look for the change that my attitude brings into my life.
I thought about this for days and realized that I hated how I felt and reacted to situations. I became jealous of Nick and what he had and I wanted it too. Later, I began every morning making the decision to choose to have a great attitude. It is infectious and I love it! Besides, I have so many things to be grateful for and it all belongs to God.
With regard to changing my attitude because of something that someone else has done and taking responsibility for my attitude, well that is something else all together.
From my own experience, I have learned that someone else's actions and attitude are theirs. It is their path that they are traveling and they must have their own experiences to be able to learn and hopefully grow closer to God. I believe that God has us learning all the time with our free will or else we may never come to learn more about Him and realize that our way is not the best. I understand that their actions and attitudes can be hurtful, but who am I to be upset with the path that they may be traveling; even if I believe it is the wrong one, (then I am judging the path that they are taking to get to God). All I can do is pray for them and try to be a good example of God's love. Once I am able to let go of other people's actions and attitudes, I am free to look at my side of the street. Did I, in any way, contribute to this person's action or attitude? If so, I must ask them and God for forgiveness. I think that is taking responsibility for my action or attitude. I must then let go and let them do as they will.